2020 Synchronized Dancing Drone Competition
For Middle School Students
Competition is Limited to 100 Teams – Entry Includes Licensed Curriculum
Nationwide Contest. All Final Presentations are Submitted Virtually. All Entries Include Access To The DroneBlocks Dancing Drone Curriculum and One-Year License

Middle School Competition
Synchronized Robotics Challenge: Dancing Drone Competition
Presented by Drobots and DroneBlocks
The 2020 Middle School Competition will kickoff this year with: The Synchronized Dancing Drone Competition. This unique and innovative competition will merge the arts with technology as it never has never been presented before. The goal is to inspire middle school students with a diverse skillset or interest in the fields of creative arts, technology, engineering, and performance.
The future of flight is evolving and so are STEAM-based competitions. The 2020 Dancing Drone Competition (DDC) will include middle school students representing schools from all over the country. These teams of students, led by coaches, mentors and teachers will program, test and synchronize drones to produce a final Dancing Drone presentation, all choreographed to music.
To earn success, teams must work together in a collaborative and creative manner to create an autonomous choreographed code and solutions for the aforementioned design and flight challenge.
This is Not Your Typical Drone Competition
- For Middle School Students
- Perfect For Classroom, Club, or After School Program
- Truly Adding the “A” in the acronym STEAM
- Combining Drones + Programming + Music + Creativity
- Final Projects Shared Through a Virtual Submission
An Experience Like No Other
– One-Year Curriculum License Included
– Global Participation
– Technology Meets Creativity
– Virtual Submissions
– Judge’s Webinar Series Included
– Collaboration and Teamwork
– Putting the “A” into STEAM
Middle School Competition General Information
Curriculum & Competition Details
2020 Dancing Drone Entry Fee and What's Included
Middle School Competition Entry Fee
$20.00 is the registration fee for one team to enter the 2020 Dancing Drone Competition (DDC).
The fee is an administrative fee, however, if your team cannot afford the $20.00 fee, please contact us.
The Fee Includes
The 2020 registration fee includes:
- Entry in the 2020 DDC
- One-year curriculum license for your classroom, club, or after school program (a $700+ value)
- Initial entries are submitted virtually
- Exclusive access to the Educational Drone Webinar Series for teachers and students
- Customized DroneBlocks Online Curriculum For One Team (One Classroom, After School Program, Club, etc)
- Basic Programming with DroneBlocks
- Advanced Programming with DroneBlocks: Loops and Variables
- Full Access to the DroneBlocks App (supported devices: iOS, Android, Chrome)
- Example Dancing Drone “Moves” Video
- Video Submission Guidelines and Criteria For Judging
- Safety Best-Practices, Connectivity Best-Practices and more
*Tello or Tello EDU drones are not included (either version is acceptable for the competition).
Competition requires no less than 2 Tello drones and no more than 4 Tello drones.
*NOTE: All Tello drones are sold separately or may be purchased separately.
Read more about why we like the Tello here.
Purchase the DJI Tello here.
Drone Recommendation For the Curriculum and Competition
Drone Recommendation For the Curriculum and Competition
Drobots highly recommends using the DJI Tello (either the EDU or first generation model).
We have used both the Tello and the Parrot Mambo, but since the Mambo is no longer in production and no longer supported, we strongly suggest the DJI Tello.
Read more about why we like the DJI Tello here.
Purchase the DJI Tello here.
Entry Fee & Payment Due Dates
Entry Fee and Payment Due Dates
All entry fees must be received and paid in full not later than April 15, 2020
The $20 registration and administrative fee may be paid via credit card only. Payment is due upon registration. Please note that full payment must be submitted no later than April 15, 2020. Failure to make payment by that date will result in your team’s disqualification.
Sorry, we do not accept Purchase Orders or Checks for this event.
Additional information will be shared with you upon the completion of your registration.
Primary Goal and Focus
Primary Goal and Focus
The primary goal of the DDC is to provide a fun, competitive, and unique platform for educators to mentor and coach students on how to become lifelong learners and instill a strong sense of creativity, curiosity, confidence and teamwork.
Due to the exponential growth of the drone industry, students may now explore, learn and evolve along with the applications of today and the discoveries of tomorrow. The DDC competition fosters this new technological landscape with real-life application through event challenges and a competition core value of introducing students to exploration, innovation and real-world applicability through hands-on exploration.
Primary Outcomes Include
Primary Outcomes Include:
- Fun!
- True application of the Arts into the acronym STEAM
- Real-Life Applicability in a Friendly, but Competitive Environment
- Collaboration & Teamwork
- Design Experience
- Programming
- Musical and Theatrical Background Design
- Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
- Enhance Presentation and Marketing Skillsets
- Build Experience and Awareness of Industry Application and Future Opportunity
Competition Design
Competition Design
The DDC has been specifically designed to introduce 21st century STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) skills in and out of the classroom! Drones and UAVs are the perfect competitive and educational platform for students to become familiar with and learn more about the many facets of drones, robotics and the future of this budding industry and how it applies to real life and future opportunity.
All of our challenges have been designed to encourage and build: enjoyment, teamwork, curiosity, critical thinking, courage, and creativity.
It’s time to take off and build STEAM skills that will lay the foundation for many years to come. Join this movement and prepare to inspire the development and preparation of the entire student.
All Drone Simulations, Design and Challenges Encompass
All Drone Simulations, Design and Challenges Encompass
- Real-world Applicability
- 21st-century success skills
- Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
- Collaboration Across Networks and Leading by Influence
- Agility and Adaptability
- Initiative and Entrepreneurialism
- Creative Design
- Effective Oral, Written and Digital Communication
- Accessing and Analyzing Information
- Curiosity, Imagination and Innovation
- Organization and Collaboration
Competition Rules, Regulations & FAQs
Competition Rules, Regulations and FAQs
All rules are stated in the online curriculum module. You will receive access to the online curriculum upon payment.
In the meanwhile, you may begin preparing your approach to the teaching and planning knowing the following:
- The final presentation and submission should be no shorter than 60 seconds and no longer than 120 seconds
- You will have access to the curriculum either through one academic year OR up until the next competition is announced.
- If a new competition is announced (within the one-year window from your original date of purchase), which requires you to purchase new curriculum, then Drobots will provide you with a discount code to purchase the new curriculum.
- Each curriculum purchase will allow for one username and login for one user. This information may be shared with other members of your team in case multiple team members are working on the project at the same time.
- The choice of music is entirely up to your team. As an example, live music (ie: school band or ensemble) or royalty free music are great choices. Here is a link to some royalty free music.
- The backdrop for your final presentation is also completely up to you and your team. You may get as creative as your team so desires. Our only suggestion is to ensure that, during the filming of the drone dance, the viewer will be able to clearly see the drones flying in front of the backdrop.
- Part of the presentation and final submission must include a 3-5 minute video of how the team worked together to complete the project.
- This short video presentation should include the following answers to these questions:
- Introduction of your team name and the individuals who participated in the competition.
- How you did you begin to plan for the project and competition? First steps, timeline, project plan?
- Before starting the project, what were the team’s expectations for what the final presentation would look like?
- How did your team choose team roles and responsibilities and why?
- What were the most challenging aspects of working on the project?
- What were the most enjoyable aspects of the project and working together?
- What did the team learn most about working together during this project?
- Lastly, interpret your final presentation as a narrative: where did the inspiration originate from for the music, backdrop, drone dance moves, choreography, etc.
Middle School Rulebook and Scoring Rubric*
Middle School FAQs:
Click Here to view the entire FAQ page, which will be continuously updated as new questions are submitted and answers are provided.
Competition Policies & Disclaimers
Private Policy | Legal Disclaimer | Gift Acceptance Policy

Drobots Company specifically designs 21st century “drone STEM” (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) skills for kids and teens in and out of the classroom! Come explore with us and be inspired by energetic challenges and competitions created for the entire student. It’s time to take off and build critical 21st century “drone STEM” skills, teamwork, and collaboration – join us! “Drone competitions“. “Drone school competitions“. “Aerial Robotics competitions for kids“. “Aerial Robotics competitions for teens“. “Drone Contests“. “Aerial Robotics competitions for schools“. “First Lego League Drone Competitions“. “Drone competitions for kids“. “Drone competitions for teens“. “drones and art competitions“. “Drone racing competitions for kids“. “Drone racing competitions for middle school“. “Drone racing competitions for high school“, “aerial robotics competitions“, “drone racing league and competitions“, “drone racing league“, “coding summer camps“, “game design summer camps“, “FPV drone competition“, “drone competition and racing for kids“, “technology competition“, “technology races“, “drone racing course camps“, “autonomous drone racing“, “autonomous drone competition“, “first person view drone competition“