Welcome To The Drones For Kids and Teens Blog

The #1 youth drone STEM summer program for kids, teens and high school students using drones in and out of the classroom


The Drobots Company started this blog to help inform, update and educate parents and students alike. We want kids and teens to be more engaged with drone technology as well as STEM education all together.

We are strong believers that students learn best when they are able to (a) get outside and away from the computer (b) spark their internal curiosity through both mind and body in a STEM application and (c) create! Drones for kids and teens was specifically designed to open the door into both the present and the future. Fly away with us as we continue to educate students all over the world to both the application and usefulness of drones and how this technology will have an impact on how kids, teens and high school students to create, to think, and to solve.

AEDs on Drones Are Saving Lives

More than 350,000 cardiac arrests happen in the US outside of hospitals every year, according to the American Heart Association — and a person has about a 10 percent chance of surviving ​From Deloitte June 27, 2017 Researchers in Sweden are testing the feasibility of...

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Get Away From That Electronic Device!

Where Technology Meets Fresh Air™ Today’s youth has a tendency to be joined at the hip to electronic devices, including TV. According to an article in the June 2017 issue of the journal Preventive Medicine Reports, a combination of increased sedentary behavior (SB)...

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The Edible Drone Can Save 50 Lives

Every Sale of This Edible Pouncer Drone Can Save 50 Lives Migel Gifford makes drones with a difference. His humanitarian UAV, the Pouncer, is designed to deliver food aid in disaster zones - by being edible itself. That may sound unlikely, but Gifford, 70, has a...

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Amazon’s Drones: Who’s Laughing Now?

Amazon’s Drones: Who’s Laughing Now? In December 2013, Jeff Bezos prompted a few smiles from the journalists interviewing him on CBS’s 60 minutes when he announced that he was working on a project to use drones to send Amazon customers their purchases, adding that he...

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