Welcome To The Drones For Kids and Teens Blog

The #1 youth drone STEM summer program for kids, teens and high school students using drones in and out of the classroom


The Drobots Company started this blog to help inform, update and educate parents and students alike. We want kids and teens to be more engaged with drone technology as well as STEM education all together.

We are strong believers that students learn best when they are able to (a) get outside and away from the computer (b) spark their internal curiosity through both mind and body in a STEM application and (c) create! Drones for kids and teens was specifically designed to open the door into both the present and the future. Fly away with us as we continue to educate students all over the world to both the application and usefulness of drones and how this technology will have an impact on how kids, teens and high school students to create, to think, and to solve.

Build a LEGO Drone with Flybrix Kits

Kids Can Now Build a LEGO Drone with Flybrix Kits A San Francisco startup today began selling build-a-drone kits for kids age 14 and up comprised of: LEGO bricks, boom arms and motors that don’t require soldering, and other off the shelf and Flybrix-designed parts....

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Disney and Drones

Disney to Start Using Drones At Theme Parks In Future Disney filed a patent for a UAV based projection system, which it intends to use in its extravagant light shows held nightly at its theme parks. Get ready for the best shows for kids and parents by way of drones at...

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