Drone Summer Camps For Students Entering 6th to 8th Grades
Drone Camps for 6th to 8th grades include
- Project-based learning
- Real-world STEM application
- Curriculum specifically designed for both the novice and experienced drone enthusiasts
- Low Instructor to student ratio
- Adult-led instructors with experience and passion working with students and STEM
- Lesson plans encourage students to work within small teams to achieve common goals
- Positive and friendly learning environment
- Drone flying
- Drone coding
- Drone safety and the social responsibilities of flying drones
- Interactive workbooks and plenty of Drobots’ keepsakes and trinkets
- No prior experience necessary; all skill levels are welcome to participate
Drone Summer Camp Themes for 6th to 8th Graders
- Drone Racing & Obstacle Course Challenge
- Drones To The Rescue
- Drone Dancing & Storyboard Synchronization
Want to participate in a Drobots’ overnight FPV racing (first person view) camp? Students in 7th to 11th grades put on the flight googles and fly drones similar to the racing you have seen on ESPN and YouTube. Click here for more information.
6th to 8th grade program summary
Drobots’ camps for pre-teen and teenage students are specifically designed to introduce 21st century STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) skills in and out of the classroom! Summer is the perfect opportunity for 6th through 8th graders to learn about the many facets of drones, robotics, and the future of this budding industry.
All of our programs have been designed to encourage and build: fun, teamwork, curiosity, critical thinking, courage, and creativity. The summer is for experiential learning and Drobots Company is committed to providing a safe and friendly platform to deliver a program that “exceeds expectations”.
Come explore with us and get inspired by energetic instructors committed to the development and preparation of the entire student. It’s time to take off and build STEM skills that will build the foundation for many years to come – join us! No prior experience necessary. All skill levels are welcome.
I was delighted to know that Sharon was not the only girl in the camp. The bonus was finding out that you have many female instructors and counselors. I think your drone program is the perfect setting for girls to become more involved in STEM-type programs, so I commend you for making Sharon (and her friends) feel so comfortable.
So my son came home from camp yesterday and put on a show after dinner. He was coding, flipping, flying, crashing :0) his drone all over the place. He was so proud and confident in what he was doing and I attribute it to what he has learned at camp this week. Your instructors not only teach flying, but self-confidence as well. Great program. Keep up the incredible work!
Loved, loved, loved the obstacle course games. Can I come to camp? I grew up loving remote control helicopters and now dream about what it would be like had I grown up with this drone technology. When you start a program for adults you can count me in. In the meanwhile, we will see you later this month and perhaps at your overnight camp later this summer.